Army Physical Fitness Test - Test Administration

The APFT must be administered properly and to standard in order to accurately evaluate a soldier’s physical fitness and to be fair to all soldiers. (Test results are used for personnel actions.)
Individual soldiers are not authorized to administer the APFT to themselves for the purpose of satisfying a unit's’s diagnostic or record APFT requirement.

The OIC or NCOIC at the test site must have a copy of FM 21-20 on hand. The supervisor of each event must have the event instructions and standards. Scorers should have a clipboard and an ink pen to record the results on the soldiers’ scorecards.
Two stopwatches are needed. They must be able to measure time in both minutes and seconds.
Runners must wear numbers or some other form of identification for the 2-mile run. The numbers may be stenciled or pinned onto pullover vests or sleeveless, mesh pullovers or attached to the runners themselves.
Soldiers should wear clothing that is appropriate for PT such as shorts, Tshirts, socks, and running shoes (not
tennis shoes). They should not wear basketball shoes or other types of court shoes. BDUs may be worn but may be a hindrance on some events.
Anything that gives a soldier an unfair advantage is not permitted during the APFT. Wearing devices such as weight belts or elastic bandages may or may not provide an advantage. However, for standardization, such additional equipment is not authorized unless prescribed by medical personnel. The only exception is gloves. They may be worn in cold weather when approved by the local commander.
Each soldier needs a DA Form 705, Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard. The soldier fills in his name, social security number, grade, age, and sex. The unit will complete the height and weight data.
Scorers record the raw score for each event and initial the results. If a soldier fails an event or finds it difficult to perform, the scorer should write down the reasons and other pertinent information in the comment block. After the entire APFT has been completed, the event scorer will convert raw scores to point scores using the scoring standards on the back of the scorecards.
The APFT must be properly supervised to ensure that its objectives are met. Proper supervision ensures uniformity in the following:
• Scoring the test.
• Training of supervisors and scorers.
• Preparing the test and controlling performance factors.
The goal of the APFT is to get an accurate evaluation of the soldiers’ fitness levels. Preparations for administering an accurate APFT include the following:
• Selecting and training supervisors and scorers.
• Briefing and orienting administrators and participants.
• Securing a location for the events.
Commanders must strictly control those factors which influence test performance. They must ensure that events, scoring, clothing, and equipment are uniform. Commanders should plan testing which permits each soldier to perform to his maximal level. They should also ensure the following:
• Soldiers are not tested when fatigued or ill.
• Soldiers do not have tiring duties just before taking the APFT.
• Weather and environmental conditions do not inhibit performance.
• Safety is the first consideration.

Duties of Test Personnel
Testers must be totally familiar with the instructions for each event and trained to administer the tests. Correctly supervising testees and laying out the test area are essential duties. The group administering the test must include the following:
• Event supervisor, scorers, and a demonstrator for each event.
• Support personnel (safety, control, and medical, as appropriate). There should be no less than one scorer for each 15 soldiers tested. Twelve to 15 scorers are required when a company-sized unit is tested.

The OIC or NCOIC does the following:
• Administers the APFT.
• Procures all necessary equipment and supplies.
• Arranges and lays out the test area.
• Trains the event supervisors, scorers, and demonstrators. (Training video tape No. 21-191 should be used for training those who administer the APFT.)
• Ensures the test is properly administered and the events are explained, demonstrated, and scored according to the test standards in this chapter.
• Reports the results after the test.

Event supervisors do the following:
• Administer the test events.
• Ensure that necessary equipment is on hand.
• Read the test instructions, and have the events demonstrated.
• Supervise the scoring of events, and ensure that they are done correctly.
• Rule on questions and scoring discrepancies for their event.

Scorers do the following:
• Supervise the performance of testees.
• Enforce the test standards in this chapter.
• Count the number of correctly performed repetitions aloud.
• Record the correct, raw score on each soldier’s scorecard, and initial the scorecard block.
• Perform other duties assigned by the OIC or NCOIC.
Scorers must be thoroughly trained to maintain uniform scoring standards. They do not participate in the test.

Safety and control people should be at the test site, depending on local policy and conditions. Medical personnel may also be there. However, they do not have to be on site to have the APFT conducted. At a minimum, the OIC or NCOIC should have a plan, known to all test personnel, for getting medical help if needed.